Light therapy workshop: a new perspective on health in the workplace

Light is a vital and essential element in maintaining a good mood, good sleep and good productivity. However, office and apartment lighting often falls short of the real needs of the internal biological clock. The Light Therapy workshop provides a concrete solution for coping with seasonal changes, maintaining vitality at work, and preventing sleep and mood disorders.


Prevent sleep and mood disorders in the workplace

In Switzerland, 30.3% of the working population suffers from insomnia, and sleep disorders are becoming more widespread: in 2024, 26% of the population will report suffering from insomnia of moderate severity, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

How can light therapy reverse this trend?

Light is a vital and essential element in maintaining a good mood, good sleep and good productivity. However, the intensity of light in indoor spaces very often fails to meet our biological clock's need for a balanced sleep-wake cycle. This problem is exacerbated in autumn, when outdoor light becomes scarcer.

Thanks to light therapy, it's possible to compensate for the lack of light whatever the season, and boost sleep and mood. Scientifically proven, light therapy is recognized as the treatment of choice for SAD, and an effective means of combating all forms of depression (Geoffroy et al., 2019).

A workshop to raise awareness and innovate

The Light Therapy workshop is an innovative, non-intrusive way of tackling sleep and mood disorders in the workplace. In this workshop, employees have the opportunity to :

  • better understand and appreciate the influence of the seasons on their mood and sleep
  • receive practical, effective advice on how to get through the winter in good shape, and if they wish, make the right choice of light therapy device
  • make the best use of the light therapy systems available to them when these are installed in the workplace.

Workshop duration: 2 hours, can be run in one or two sessions.

Language: English or French.

Get a quote: Ms Bénédicte Wildhaber,

The benefits of Light Therapy in the workplace

Light therapy is a simple, scientifically recognized way of maintaining the optimal functioning of our sleep-wake cycle when natural light is lacking. This therapy is becoming increasingly popular at home or in the workplace, thanks to discreet designs and useful functions. It contributes effectively to:

  • improving sleep and mood
  • reducing daytime fatigue
  • improving concentration
  • quickly regaining vitality when waking up in the morning or after a nap
  • recovering faster after a short night or atypical working hours
  • preventing symptoms and consequences of winter blues and seasonal depression

Expertise and results

My name is Bénédicte Wildhaber and I work as an occupational psychologist FSP. Member of the SLTBR (Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms) and the SSSSC (Swiss Society for Sleep Research), I have developed expertise in the management of biological rhythms at work and in chronotherapies including light therapy. 

My dual role as director of Medi-Lum since 2009 and as an occupational psychologist gives me a wealth of experience of the issues facing companies today, between the need for productivity and the prevention of health problems for every employee.

I look forward to working with you to develop the best workshop formula to optimize the health of your employees and your company, thanks to this innovative and exciting workshop.

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