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Sleep Workshop for companies: 28 days to sleep better
In today's fast-paced society, getting a good night's sleep and feeling rested the next day doesn't seem so easy, and the figures on sleep quality in Switzerland are alarming. Thanks to this innovative workshop, your employees receive practical, effective advice, and have time to put it into practice between meetings.
Promoting physical and mental health through sleep
Sleep is a prerequisite for our mood, our health and our performance the next day. In recent years, however, sleep disorders have become more widespread: in 2024, 26% of Swiss suffer from moderate insomnia, and 1 in 10 uses sleeping pills, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.
What impact do these sleep disorders have on the workplace?
One in 5 occupational accidents is linked to a sleep disorder, according to SUVA (2017 report). Loss of productivity, presenteeism or absenteeism, tensions between colleagues, repeated mistakes and reduced quality of life are common consequences of poor sleep.
Yet 50% of sleep problems could be solved or significantly improved through a better understanding of its mechanisms and adapted behaviors. Thanks to the "28 days to sleep better" challenge, participants can test the advice they receive and observe the effects on their own sleep.
Going beyond information to truly sleep better
More than just an informative workshop, the "Sleep Well" workshop is offered in the form of 3 meetings of around 1 hour each, spaced at intervals of around 2 weeks.
Its innovation: each participant is invited to take part in a 28-day challenge to apply the advice and best practices received during each workshop, and to observe the direct effects on their sleep.
Its plus: customization
Because each profession may have its own sleep-related challenges, this workshop is customized to your employees: before the first meeting, participants who so wish are invited to complete an anonymous online questionnaire about their sleep. Thanks to this, the advice given is directly optimized to tackle the sleep difficulties of those attending the workshops.
Duration: the optimum formula is 3 one-hour sessions.
Language: French or English
Get a quote: Bénédicte Wildhaber,
Benefits of the workshop "Sleep well" in the workplace
Inspired by cognitive-behavioral therapy in sleep medicine and work psychology techniques, this workshop aims to provide participants with the motivation to adopt a sleep-friendly lifestyle, as well as concrete tools for better sleep.
Getting a better night's sleep opens up a wide range of possibilities:
- improve performance at work
- improve self-confidence
- regain the energy and motivation essential to private-professional balance
- reduce the risk of accidents at work or at play
- improve physical and mental health
- improve interpersonal relations
- strengthen cohesion between colleagues, by giving them the opportunity to share life experiences if desired
Expertise and results
My name is Bénédicte Wildhaber and I'm an occupational psychologist FSP. A member of the SLTBR (Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms) and the SSSSC (Swiss Society for Sleep Research), I specialize in the management of biological rhythms at work and light therapy. I support companies in the management of atypical or night working hours, employee training and individual coaching.
Through innovative workshops, I raise awareness among employees and managers in all sectors of the importance of preventing and treating sleep and mood disorders at work. My aim: to go beyond information and give everyone pragmatic, effective tools for better sleep.
I look forward to working with you to develop the best workshop formula to optimize the health of your employees and your company, thanks to this innovative and exciting workshop.
Are you interested in this workshop? Let's discuss it together:
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